
well, i don't really know what it's about, but rahvin and me have a very good use for it. the first time you meet a person you like you should have a cd with "auctioned" handy: you make them listen to it, and if they don't like it (especially if they criticize it in one or two specific ways, but i don't remember them, rahvin might help) you just decide you're never going out on a date with them again. this works, trust us.

Originally posted by hyena
(especially if they criticize it in one or two specific ways, but i don't remember them, rahvin might help)

the road into darkness:

say, did you like that song?

oh, i don't know, it's not bad but definitely a tad boring and dull


quite good, but why in the world is it all in clean vocals. and that piano thingy...

rahvin. (stay, well, away)
One more use: if the person says:

ewww i don't like his voice

or any variations of above sentence, just make sure u break his/her head (NOT with the cd :p) :)
hmmm, I like so nuch his voice, but why in the world does he seem he's always on the edge of crying while he sings? I mean, all tat piano stuff should relax, not pusting into crying... :D :devil:

Alfred (tempting loopholes)
@Nick: you are just trying to make me mad...:rolleyes: i won't get i won't.................... (ARGH!!!! :mad: )

@phyre: this sounds like an insult/hint/something towards rahve (fluffy teddybears), me (ice-cream) and a third person i can't identify :err:
one more thing, if the person you're showing Auctioned asks: "is that Depeche Mode?" kick his/her arse.
Did i mention "why is he doing his voice like this"? :rolleyes: *throws various objects and curses towards the general direction of hated people* :mad:

@phyre: ok :p
i can't believe i'm one of the first nice, happy and cuddly things that comes to mind. :)
or rather, that my loved/hated alter ego, the fluffy teddy i turn into at night in my secret lab, is receiving so many words of praise. :mad:

rahvin. (changing mood by the minute)
Yeah, i can't believe i'm the second either :p

@rahvin: you are starting to scare me :lol:
Originally posted by Siren
@rahvin: you are starting to scare me :lol:

but no, you have to love me for what i am during the day: the cold, rational, detached dwarf we've all grown to laugh at! please believe the horrid hairy beast i turn into in the dead of night is not the real me, just a mirror reflection of what my real self thinks and feels.
just fear the teddy. :)

Darn, i never was afraid of teddys and i kinda started liking hairy beasts lately. :err:
It will require some effort from my part i guess, but i think i can make it. :p