Audient ASP008 owners: noisy fan?


Nov 17, 2008
Munich, Germany
Hey guys,
just recieved my Audient ASP008 ADAT. I know the first units don't have a fan but most of them do.. and the fan is really annoying and has a high pitched noise that's not just coming from the wind in produces.
I admit I'm a little sensitive when it comes to fan noise or hiss etc in general but it's easily audible no matter where I stand in the room (25 square meters large). All my other gear is dead quiet and I'd like to keep it that way -.-

So, is your fan also that noisy or is it probably a faulty one? Bought the unit used off Ebay and everything else seems fine but this is incredibly annoying.
My iPhone measuring app "SPL Meter" says it's 50db (C weighted) loud when I am about 10cm away from the fan, not directly pointing at it (then it's 86db).
Well, I contacted the support and now they're sending me a new fan free of charge, pretty awesome service - the unit is nearly 5 years old and I am not the first owner!
I have to solder the fan cable to the PCB myself though.. not really keen on soldering inside the Preamp haha.

Out of curiosity I'd still like to know whether you also hear the fan noise or not. I remember a few guys on here had the ASP008?
Thanks. Hopefully the really loud noise comes just from the fan's old bearings after years of runtime.
Why am I bothered by it? Well because it's loud and annoying :lol: Generate a sine wave at 850Hz and set it to 50db and tell me you don't find that annoying ;)
As I said my studio is very quiet and I hate hiss noises in general - that's also the reason I didn't like the Event Opals btw - and the constant noise from the Audient is driving me nuts.
All my other gear makes produces no audible noise level, the only thing I can actually hear when it's quiet is the Mac Pro but that's a rather low pitched noise from the large fan and not bothering me.

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