Audio Interface...


Dec 1, 2006
A while back I had a Tascam US-224, I used it to record live guitars, and I used it to record my Podxt direct. Then I bought a Alesis Multimix 16 firewire, so I could record live drums, and hopefully get a better interface... better sound... I've spent roughly 20 hours trying to get the Alesis to work correctly. I have Sonar 6 and Cubase SX3, and in Sonar I get horrible popping and clipping noises, where as in Cubase I get no popping or clipping, but I barely use Cubase, and I'm not used to it, so it's such a huge pain, I avoid recording drums at all costs. (Haha) Also, I think I bought something I didn't need. The Alesis has so many knobs and so many buttons and features that I will never have a use for, seeing as it is a mixer with firewire capabilities, where I only need an interface with mic pres. So, my question here is, is there anything you can reccommend? I want at least 8 mic inputs, it must have firewire (duh), must be relatively cheap (not more than... 700 bucks), and the better it sounds... the better... (haha).
im lookin into the metric halo 2882dsp as we speak. its supposed to have excellent conversion at ANY price range. it has less ins and outs than the saffire pro and fireface 800 but i believe its a step up in sound quaulity than the others. plus the onboard dsp is always nice as well. i havent ruled out any though. i would love the saffire pro though, super features for the price. im just worried its not enough of a step up converter-wise from my 828mk11. does anyone have any actual experience with the saffire pro all the way through a project with it? tracking and mixing on it. maybe metalkingdom can chime in on this one. i want a significant step up in conversion.
Enough I/O for recording even the biggest drum kit!!


Thanks for all the suggestions... I'm gunna try a few more things to fix my Multimix, but if I can't, I looked into the PreSonus products, and they look promising, the Focusrite has good features, so I'm looking into that one as well, but the Metric is way out of my price range haha. Thanks again.