Audiotechnica AE2500 (dual element) out of the box test


Apr 20, 2005
OD808-6505 run-of-the-mill settings-Mesa OS

50% condenser - 50% dynamic

No post fx/EQ whatsoever.


I don't know how different it is from the ATM250DE, but the AE2500 is a bit older and more expensive apparently.
I only purchased it because it was stupidly cheap (270 euros) not even expecting it to work properly.

Sorry I can't find the original thread where I found these DI. Pretty sure it's somewhere in the Practice Room. Credits to the author.
Thanks guys. Pretty happy with it. Only tried briefly on a kick drum but it sounds promising too. Very natural yet plenty of attack and low end.

Now I'm starting to GAS for the atm250DE too! I want both...
Call me micoholic. :grin:
On a couple of albums I have had good results combining the AE2500 with a 57 (on distorted guitars that is)...
You might want to try that out.