Aussie Metal Assignment


Cuntaminated Cock Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Lacertine Forest
Hey, i have to do an australian metal evolution, and events in the metal world that have affected australia's metal scene.
anyone got any particularly prominent events that i could include in said assignment
Dantera said:
You HAVE to include something about PSYCROPTIC just because they are so awsome

I'd say with a nick like Jaar-Gilon the kid would have to mention them as a matter of course. ;)

Jaar-Gilon, Shroud has posted the link to my site, but feel free to email me with the details of your assignment, and I'll help out. I'm not sure exactly what it is you're asking, but I'm assuming you want to know how developments in various world scenes affected the Aussie scene? Drop me a mail.
yeah, you gotta include HOBBS

also, for more recent bands, include the berzerker and fuck- im dead
Jaar-Gilon said:
Hey, i have to do an australian metal evolution, and events in the metal world that have affected australia's metal scene.
anyone got any particularly prominent events that i could include in said assignment
Be sure to mention Slaughter Lord, criminally underrated (only because they never got around to releasing anything but demos, but they KILLED) early death/thrash band. They were ridiculously brutal for 1987.
You realize that this assignment is 3 months old dude... he handed it in a while ago. Or perhaps he didn't hand it in at all.... who knows