australian instores

Nothing's been mentioned for Adelaide - there's a 2 day break between the Adelaide and Perth gigs so Perth was always likely to get one.
timmyc said:
Nothing's been mentioned for Adelaide - there's a 2 day break between the Adelaide and Perth gigs so Perth was always likely to get one.

That's cool, five guys in Anthrax shirts could just go to the muses and sign some autographs for the fans..improvise I say !!!!!!!!!! :Spin:
My mistake TimmyC - it moved - across the Rundle Mall next to ToysMyAss - down the escalators.
Just beat me to it. Signed up especially to say it. Worst thing is i wont be able to make it, but im sure one of you kind people will get me an autograph :D
L.F said:
Just letting you guys know according to their site Utopia records is having an instore May 13th starting at 5.30pm

hmmm i might have to get there early,fuck i thought they would have one saturday lol,met a great woman and already organised to go out friday night,hopefully second date goes as good as the first.
thraxton hicks said:
Maybe, you could take her there as part of your second date?? :D

hahaha well she is going to alice cooper with me but i think an anthrax instore would be pushing my luck lol,then again u never know:loco:
Hey there,
any news on Anthrax signing for Melbourne???

Getting them to sign something would totally make my year!

p.s. Bush rocks
mrthrax said:
hahaha well she is going to alice cooper with me but i think an anthrax instore would be pushing my luck lol,then again u never know:loco:

Stranger things have happened! My then boyfriend got me into Anthrax in a huge way - I liked it so much I ended up marrying him!! lol :p Hmmm nuff said I s'pose don't want to put you off with all this talk of marriage!! Hope it all plays out for you anyway :wave: ie you get the girl and meet the band too!!

:hotjump: Not too long to go before the Aussie gigs!!!! :hotjump:
:Spin: :loco: :D :worship: :headbang: :p :wave: ;) :Spin:
Just been informed that the instore in Perth at Guitar World Cannington is now on Tuesday 17th 5pm. NOT Wed 18th.
They have requested people call and register.The no. is 9358 6665
thraxton hicks said:
Just been informed that the instore in Perth at Guitar World Cannington is now on Tuesday 17th 5pm. NOT Wed 18th.
They have requested people call and register.The no. is 9358 6665

they must have changed it, i registered the first time so should be able to skip the line :)