Australia's Shrapnel release 'Hellbound'


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2010
Hey guys, check out a new release i've just put out with one of my bands from Australia 'Shrapnel'

Shrapnel is a rip roaring, killspeed, thrash metal assault hellbent on overthrowing every man/beast in it's wake!
The sqaud was originally formed in Western Australia during the final year of last century (1999) by Andrew Doepel and Louis Rando, a duo who have been involved in many known Australian bands over the years (Dybbuk,Pagan,The Furor,Millitant Mass,Nervecell (Dubai), Choke,Vespers Descent,Pathogen,Mhorgl).
A sets worth of blistering thrash violations were completed in 1999 but lay dormant until a decade later, when a full 5 man line up was recruited to thrash the fuck out them on the live front!
Early 2010 saw the release of their first full length album entitled 'HELLBOUND', mixed by Perth's greatest metal producer, Aidan Barton.

'HELLBOUND' delivers a top quality, relentless thrash attack that is capable of exiting even the most stubborn thrash metal purists!
The album features four MENTAL tracks composed in the bands 1999 era, and four new MENTAL tracks written in 2009. Eight MENTAL tracks in total!!!!
RIPPING guest solo's on the album performed by Neil 'Millitant Mass' Walton, Rob 'Mhorgl' Thorpe and Alestair 'Manic' Brown.
If this slab of infernal offerings doesn't get you moshing, stop posing and get the fuck out of metal ya bozo!!!!!

Keep your eyes fixed on this spot for news of future shows Australia wide!

Bio end....

I've just put together an 'elementary level' myspace page featuring samples of songs from the album and some other 'supplementary' information. Stay tuned as I flesh it out in the coming weeks.

Details on how to obtain a copy of the Hellbound album are included in the first myspace blog OR msg me and i'll get a copy to ya.

Be excellent to each other!!!
Thrash the Redeemer!!!