Autotune EVO Audiosuite - UI refreshes real slow?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I'm using Autotune EVO in audiosuite mode to process short snippets of vocals at a time in graphic mode. I've noticed that when I 'preview' the changes, the playback/scrub line in autotune skips a ton of frames, and everything generally just seems sluggish. Is there any way to improve this behaviour? It makes things a bit hard when you're trying to identify which part is messed up, and you can't see the playback line.

Auto-Tune has always been that way with me, version 4 and EVO as well. If there's a part you're really hung up on, you can always print your first tuning run, use Track Pitch again on the region you just printed (to see a tuned rendering of the pitch lines), then undo both steps before tuning again (so you don't build up pointless files in your session, and so you have an untuned track to tune again). I generally don't have to do that though, just because I can generally tune something visually the first time through, without having to make more tweaks.