Avenged Sevenfold (flame away...)


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
This is one of the "Nu" era bands. I'v eseen their stuff before and wasn't too impressed.

I had Headbanger's Ball on tonight for lousy background music as usual, but a tune caught my ear so i watched the video, all of it! I was actually liking...not just the video (pretty whacked out)...but the tune was pretty damn cool as well. Awesome riffs and a rippin' solo to boot. The song was called "Bat Country" if you guys want to seek it out. Not too shabby for a Nu band.
Eh... It's tolerable considering what happened to his voice
I guess he blew a vessel in his throat and the doctors told him he couldn't sing anymore. I still don't think they are above average though
hardcore with gothenburg leads does not a metal band make

and hardcore sucks
wow, okay

they're metalcore and I'm very fond of their album Waking the Fallen. I actually kind of like his voice on that one. Haven't heard their first (Sounding the Seventh Trumpet); someone burnt it for me but it skips : /

Their new one, however, is very very bad. His voice is VERY nasal on many of the songs. Pales in comparison to WtF (<-- haha wtf).
polarity3 said:
hardcore with gothenburg leads does not a metal band make

and hardcore sucks

Can anyone say arrogant? You obviously haven't heard anything from their latest album. If you have HAVE heard the new album and think its remotley Hardcore you have no idea how to classify music.

Anyways, i think that City Of Evil is easily their best stuff. Before they were an above average Metalcore band, but now they are a straight out metaal band with Power and Hair Metal influences, along with others. And they do it rather well IMO.