average duration of a Symphony X show


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2007
all is in the title : I would like to know how long is a Symphony X show, because I would go to a headline show and expect to know when it ends up to prepare my trip back to home ^^
thanks by advance
Maybe I ask stupid questions, but what is the approximate duration of a show of "chaos in motion" tour (with Symphony X and dream theater) ?
And what is the ratio of time between the two bands ?
Thanks again
Makes me realize how easy being in the States is. We go home when its over and dont have to coordinate transportation. Myself between the two bands I would expect a long high energy show. SX should be at least 1.5 hrs
i really doubt symx is going to get headliner length timeslot on the DT show, since DT is in the habbit of doing "A night with my wankery" shows. I'd be very surprised if Symx got more than 45 min, an hour max. That is pretty standard for a direct support slot.
I dunno man, DT is doing longer sets (by comparison to most other bands' average set time) I suppose, but they aren't donig their "evening with" length sets so I wouldn't be surprised to see SX doing at least somewhere between and hour or and hour and a half. If nothing else, I'm sure DT will leave more room for them that Queensryche did a few years ago....30 minutes lolwut
Symphony X needs to play a half hour more than what they usually do. And symphony x should have a good amount of time with DT. They better....
My estimate according to a set list posted on one topic and going by studio times is, we got approximately an 80 minute show. I didnt pay attention to time when we saw them. They seemed to announce their last song earlier than I expected. Then the encore, I have no idea if The Oyddsey was the full 24 minutes, or more, or less. They didnt spend much time between songs either.

That was a four band gig too.

I know Dream Theater can not be to blame for us only getting around 80 minutes ...... but whatever :rolleyes:

As for Dream Theater didnt I hear that they were playing all of Images and Words, this tour ? Thats still some great music if you havent been playing the hell out of it the past 12 years.

I dont think these two band will let their European fans down.
Well, I would think the two bands would work with each other. Now their management teams may be another story. I read the artical on SX in Wikipedia again last night and one of the statements is " Their 1997 album The Divine Wings of Tragedy and their 2000 release V: The New Mythology Suite have gained the band considerable attention within the progressive metal community" Granted alot of their stuff is "old" now but it seems they would be able to headline. Have they ever headlined ? I mean, 13 years and at least 6 great studio albums you'd think people would catch on to how awsome these guys are. Our show didnt have much of a crowd. Either way, I sure wish our show was SX & DT with maybe one other upcoming North East progressive opening act.
I read the artical on SX in Wikipedia again last night and one of the statements is...
Read, review and think about this statement very carefully before continuing the thought please. Yes, symx have headlined US dates and proabbly europe, who the hell knows. The fact is that they are no where near the level of DT, and thus no matter what anyone here wishes (and this is coming from someone who hates DT and everythign about them with a firey passion), SymX will not co-headline with DT, nor will SymX have the same draw as DT. That's just how it goes. DT is an undisputably bigger band than SymX, and unless that changes, SymX will always be second fiddle (from a sales/touring standpoint).

I understand that when it comes to which band is better, then it becomes open to opinion, but... i've rambled enough. I shouldn't even have to spell it out this much.
:rolleyes: I was driftin there, hell they headlined the show I saw, I guess I was meaning headline big shows with one opening act. Instead of these small clubs with four acts and a short show. I didnt mean to imply headlining or co headlining with DT. DT attracts a more diverse population. Many of whom dont like the heavier stuff they do. You can hate them all you want but they still wrote the book and all others came after and were inspired by them.

I know individual progressive acts will never reach the level of Metalica, Megadeth, Maiden or whomever. But in my mind it should be that popular with metal heads. I suppose the most popular progressive metal act would have to be considered ? Transiberian ? They sell out our big Arena every year. I suppose its because first timers have no idea their going to a "metal" show ...... :lol: You can easily identify many distressed faces. Times have changed though. I remember seeing Megadeth & Priest, Alice in Chain & VanHalen at a sold out shows in the same Arena but it aint the early 90's anymore. As far as I know Heaven and Hell was the only metal show at that place this summer.
Yeah yeah yeah right, trans siberian sells shit out like a motherfucker. Symphony x doesn't. That's no disrespect to the guys, all i'm saying is DT are going to have a bigger audience than SyX. Therefore, from a TOURING standpoint, you'd have to be full of fuckoff and retard as a booker/promoter/label exec to go "omg, we should have symx and dt have same set lengths". the bands DON'T generally make this decision.