avi roig is a cool name

Bandar and Avi met at the Madison Hotel in downtown Washington, in 1978. Bandar was assisting in lobbying Congress to approve the $2.5 billion sale of sixty F-15 fighter jets to the Saudis, and Avi was helping the American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobby against the purchase. Showing his political style of pre-emption, Avi's first maneuver was to anticipate the need for the support of Governor Ronald Reagan and fly to California to lobby for it. Despite Avi's charm, however, Reagan was not won over, and when Bandar arrived and charmed Reagan, the deal was sealed. Privately, Avi believed that a degree of anti-Semitism (or at least anti-Israelism) was behind Reagan's rejection. Having lost the battle, he resolved to win the war, and spent the next year ensuring Reagan was exposed to the consequences of a pro-Arab, anti-Israel course of action (such as emphasizing the alignment differences of the pro-Western Israelis and pro-Soviet Arabs), and when Reagan was elected President, he appointed a very pro-Israel staff.

Thus began a working relationship of antagonism between Bandar and Avi, which was marked by a surprisingly friendly personal relationship. He eventually played racquetball semi-regularly with Bandar and other Washington politicos, including a young Colin Powell.

Over the years (and especially since Bandar was made the Saudi ambassador in 1983), Bandar and Avi frequently clashed on the diplomatic battlefield, but their personal relationship has remained amicable.