Yan traveled with me down to POWERFEST in Chicago a couple weekends ago, we worked for about 5 hours each way on the lyrics and melodies for the songs, all are outlined and for the most part completed now, I'm recording the demo's for them now, and very shortly we'll start recording the album for real.
Our goal is to h ave it for PROG-POWER this year ; ) Wish us luck!
You would give me another reason I wish I could afford to go to Progpower lol.

So will you guy's have all the same members on this one as you did before?
Not by chance looking for anyone to do some backing vocals are you? Hehe I'm free of charge lol
Yan traveled with me down to POWERFEST in Chicago a couple weekends ago, we worked for about 5 hours each way on the lyrics and melodies for the songs, all are outlined and for the most part completed now, I'm recording the demo's for them now, and very shortly we'll start recording the album for real.
Our goal is to h ave it for PROG-POWER this year ; ) Wish us luck!

Oh that is such awesome news, Lance!! GOOD LUCK!! :rock:
Can't wait to hear it, just added to my must have list for 2007. Can't wait also to see you again Yan and hang out.

Yan traveled with me down to POWERFEST in Chicago a couple weekends ago, we worked for about 5 hours each way on the lyrics and melodies for the songs, all are outlined and for the most part completed now, I'm recording the demo's for them now, and very shortly we'll start recording the album for real.
Our goal is to h ave it for PROG-POWER this year ; ) Wish us luck!

Awesome - I can't wait! From the Depths of Time is a classic (everyone I play it for loves it!). :rock:
As Lance said, it is coming along very nicely; there are at least 4 KILLER songs on there so far and by the time we're done with'em I'm sure there will be more! The cd will probably have 9 tracks on there since there are a couple long ones. We're minimizing the keys this time around and focusing more on the guitars. Right now, it's pretty much just Lance and I doing everything; we'll bring in a couple of specialists to do their parts when the time comes.

I used to believe that it was very crucial for bands to release albums within 18 to 24 months in order for fans to not forget about them. However, nowadays, the market is so over saturated with music that many people focus on quantity over quality. Lance and I have agreed that we will not fall into that trap and we will release this cd when we are both confident that it's ready to go; we'll try to have it out by Progpower but if we don't, we don't. We are fortunate that we don't have anyone constantly looking over our shoulders dictating what we have to do; Lance and I work on our own schedules and I think that that is a very positive result on the music.

On the website front; Deron is getting everything ready and we should have something ready to launch soon. I've also started to work with Mattias on the booklet which hopefully will turn out just as good if not better than the last one. The cover is complete and we'll introduce it when the website is ready (think fire ;-).

That's all for now,

Thanks again to all of you for making all of this worthwhile.

p.s. J-man; I won't be able to make it to PP this year; sorry!