Avian (US power metal): new Facebook page


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Hey guys, US power metallers Avian are a band I've worked with for some time now. Due to some Facebook issues, they lost their band page and had to start a new one, so I'm helping to reach out to their fanbase. If you're already a fan, please Like them again at http://www.facebook.com/AvianUSMetal

And if you do the Twitter thing, they are at http://twitter.com/AvianUSMetal

For those unfamiliar with the band, check them out:

Most recent song Eyes of Sin:

And a cut from their second album: The Lost And Forsaken (featuring Lance King on vocals):

That album is darker and more guitar-driven, with a bit lower vocals. My favorite is their first album From The Depths of Time, which was more keyboard-driven and had higher vocals (and David Ellefson of Megadeth on bass). For that album, check out the songs Final Frontier or As The World Burns on their Facebook page.
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Wasn't Lance King a big time xtian?
Does the band sway to a similar tune?

I'm sorry if this ruined the thread, but I'm sure someone was going to ask it...
I actually thing BoP is considered a Christian band thanks to King. None of the other singers or members showcased that attitude. But I could be wrong of course...
I think both Avian and BoP were in the same boat: Lance is a forthright Christian and the overall band vibe (lyrics, graphics, image) is sort of "generally positive" and they were not unhappy to have Christian metal fans check them out due to Lance's involvement, but they are not Christian bands. Avian actually takes a lot of inspiration from science fiction (they took the name Avian from the intelligent and compassionate birdlike creatures found in Arthur C. Clarke's & Gentry Lee's The Rama series).

Lance is pretty strict about not being involving in projects with any kind of anti-Christian or very dark bent. Also, his record label (Nightmare Records) sells a wide array of Christian metal.
Time to post it to PPS, eh?

Avian sounds good, but now is not the time for new ordeals, finals are coming :)

A little offtopic, but: I urge everyone reading this to like SeaStorm's FB page, the one posted in his signature. He posts interesting bands on a regular basis and it's a great place to have discussions. It's a shame there are so little people present there at the moment.