awesome lyric video for a new Inner Sanctum track (P/M/M by yours truly)

yeah, the drummer is a fucking MACHINE (don't google "fucking machine"....or do)

we tracked in a studio in India, most of the drums were SSL X/alpha pres, bass was an Ibanez with pro steel strings.
Guitar was a strictly seven with an SH6 with dodgy wiring (since I didn't know the studio and didn't have a real amp for the monitoring over there I couldn't hear it, noticed it when I was back and reamped...lots of hum and weak signal)...turned out alright though.
it's 4tracked, two tracks of 5153 through stiletto cab and 2 tracks of Archon through Mesa cab with 57/184

Vox were recorded with an sm7

yeah, that lyric video is killer