Awesome new CD...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
"Vermin" by Old Man's Child.

I'm not sure if there's been a thread on this disc, on this forum, as of yet. If there has, forgive the redundancy. I chose to post here because I thought this disc would appeal to the folks on this forum.

I've never much cared for Old Man's Child. Everytime they release a new CD, I give it a spin, and then cast it aside. However, their latest effort, "Vermin" is superb. It's Melodic Black Metal, in the same vein as Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth, which is to say it's a blending of sorts of Black Metal and Power Metal. However, where the aforemention bands seemed to have lost that dark vibe that gives Black Metal a sinister appeal, Old Man's Child have managed to retain it. But beyond the vibe, the songs are quite simply stronger than anything their genre mates have been able to create. The production is flawless, the musicianship is well executed, and the CD has a true sense of variety to it, in respect to both dynamics and tempo. There simply isn't a weak track on the disc.

If you're in the mood for something fresh sounding, that is relentless in terms of quality, give this disc a spin.

Old Man's Child isn't bad... Its too much like Dummy Burger... but thats because its got a couple of the same members.
AnvilSnake said:
Old Man's Child isn't bad... Its too much like Dummy Burger... but thats because its got a couple of the same members.
Actually, only one. OMC is a one man project (and a studio drummer). I agree that their sound has become similar, but I think OMC is simply better; better songs, better playing. As I said, I've never taken to anything by this band before. So, if you're judging the new one, based on what you've heard in the past, you might want to give this one a listen. Cast aside all of the crap that Metal community has decided to throw DM's way, and just listen to this for what it is.


Yea, I'm aware of it being a one man project now... Just read up on it a bit, still three members though.

I still will give it a listen, however its a style I won't bother purchasing.
-Sigh.- Black Metal is terrible. In saying so, you disgrace the terrible of Black Metal when you associate Cradle of Filth with Black Metal. IN saying so, Vermin was released on my birthday, seeing as Old Man's CHild is one of THE FEW BM bands I can enjoy. Dragonlord is another, although.. it's not typical BM. Good stuff..