Awesome news!


Aug 30, 2001
My band has finally found a singer! Needless to say I'm stoked and finally we shall start playing some shows soon!

"Hello all, Weapon Within would like to formally welcome our new singer Justin Hoffman into the fold. We have searched long and hard to find the right person, and finally, we have found the perfect fit for our puzzle. Justin has been active in the scene for many years and has played in noteworthy bands like Suffergauge, Byaxis, Soulborne and many more. We look forward to the newly added creative energies he brings and all the good times that will follow. We are definitely getting excited about playing some shows in the near future, so be prepared to raise your goblet of rock!!!!"


Is this one of the guys you played a demo of for us when we were down there? Also your FIRST big show, I'll try and make it down, hopefully it being a weekend though.
good to hear... but ive never heard any of your stuff, gotta website or anything I can hear some tracks on?
Yeah, congradulations! :Smokin:
Wish I had the same luck...still looking for a bass and 2nd guitar player...:cry:
i read your vocalist's name, but for some reason my mind said "Dustin" instead of Justin, it made me laugh. Listening to tracks now