Awesome - Rodent Forensic Science

Culture: Crimesolvers

Posted by Aaron
Here's another example of the potential for problems in our litigious American culture, and I'm not talking about spilling hot McDonald's coffee in your lap while driving. Do you remember the woman who found a mouse in her vegetable soup at a Newport News, Virginia Cracker Barrel back in early May? A huge public relations disaster ensued after the incident, causing even more people to avoid eating at the old country store.

Well, it turns out she and her son made the whole thing up. They planted the mouse in an attempt to extort money out of the national corporate restaurant chain. How did this fraud come to light? A massive investigation was undertaken by Cracker Barrel, apparently including homocide detectives.

"We learned that the mouse died from a fractured skull before it entered the soup," Cracker Barrel spokeswoman Julie Davis said. In addition, the animal had no soup in its lungs, nor had it been cooked -- signs it had been dropped in the soup after its death, she said.​