Awesome song/vid: Jizz in my pants

I agree this is off topic, however it makes sense that we end up with so much OT stuff in the main forum. What exactly ARE we supposed to talk about on the main forum, since there's already subforums for everything we discuss here?

I saw this when it first aired and I have to say this is one of the most brilliant things I've seen on SNL. There's a lot of subtle aspects to this you don't notice until the 2nd or 3rd time seeing it.
My feeling on this section is that it's for things that are on-topic with metal or music in general, such as artist appreciation threads and the like, whereas the OTT is strictly for TOTALLY unrelated things (like this, goofy pictures, video games, etc.) That's always been my mentality in deciding where to poast, anyway...

And this video rules, btw :lol:
i didn't really find it that funny, although the line about bruce willis was funny.

SNL is so bad, the only decent thing they do know is pre recorded stuff. Doesn't that defeat the whole "Live" part?
i didn't really find it that funny, although the line about bruce willis was funny.

SNL is so bad, the only decent thing they do know is pre recorded stuff. Doesn't that defeat the whole "Live" part?

Quite possibly. But having done a fair amount of stage work myself, I'm grateful for ANY black outs that give me a chance to do my job decently. I hate changing sets on an impossible time frame.
i just saw the video and i "JIZZED IN MY PANTS!"