awesome technical metal (5150, 5150II)

this is lepersmeesa's band - The Safety Fire

had a play around with the multitracks for this, drums are Superior 2 with some other samples blended in and a TON of room mics

i didnt reamp guitars, they were 5150 and 5150II although I eq'd them quite a bit in this mix. i think ill give reamping a try when im back home

bass was DI processed with podfarm

NEAR FINAL MIX Reamped by me (6505)

and here is derya's mix for the same song for comparison

let us know what you think guys!

btw if you like them, check out their myspace here
the guitars sound a bit undergained and missing some high end to me, but appart from that its a nice mix :)

First version is better and, I agree with the rest, needs some brightening :)
i was going to criticise the drums and say they sound fake, but i forgot you had said they're superior.
I really like the drum sound: punchy and clicky kick, the snare could be a bit less compressed for my taste, but it sounds very "modern metal".
I like the guitar sound. I think the bass could come up alittle.[/QUOTE]
The guitar sound is very cool, although the solo parts that run in parallel to the vocals could be a little quieter. The 3:18 part is wonderful, very Tool'ish... but only a few seconds long... OK, we're talking technical metal here, so no part should last longer than a few seconds, even if it deserves it... ;-)
That Krank mix sounds really.. Buzzy/fizzy/scooped D:
Really unclear too, weird considering the mic position.

5150 mix sounds really really good though dude.