Axe FX II Just Arrived!


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Well, finally the axe fx II arrived here in the UK after a month of waiting since its release for my friend to ship it to me. I've just replaced the fan as the first job and had a quick play with it. Fucking unreal! Feels like playing an amp, and god is it ever dynamic. I must get some clips going soon. I just havent had chance to plug it into my power amp yet, as the coot who sold it to me failed to tell me he had blown a fucking capacitor in it. But soon :D

IT FEELS MORE REAL THAN A REAL AMP OMFG!! j/k, I just got mine too. Haven't had much time to play but first impressions are they improved an already awesome unit. Not a night and day difference, but lots of sweet usability improvements and the tone does feel a bit 'juicier' for lack of a better description. Will also be doing some clips sometime...
Cool. My demands are as follows:

1.) Clips through your power amp
2.) Clips through the power section of your 5150.
3.) Revealing pictures of your sister.*

* Negotiable based on how hot/ugly she is.