Axernot up to par for new Opeth album?


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
I think he's a great fucking drummer and well equipped replacement for Opeth's live songs. What Axernot did for "NightMares Made Flesh" was the fucking shit, but do you think he's really up to par and equipped enough to take the drumming on the next Opeth ablum, not necessarily to "the next level" but at least equal to Lopez's skill?
I think he's a great fucking drummer and well equipped replacement for Opeth's live songs. What Axernot did for "NightMares Made Flesh" was the fucking shit, but do you think he's really up to par and equipped enough to take the drumming on the next Opeth ablum, not necessarily to "the next level" but at least equal to Lopez's skill?

yes, for the hundreth time. I think he'll be great.
I had the chance to talk with Axe in a bar in Fort Lauderdale before the gig at the Culture Room, and he is a very polite, well spoken and smart man. Considering the shoes he had to fill, I want to see what his take will be on the drumlines of the new record. I am sure that we will be seeing that within the next 12 months. I can't wait!

I guess when the new album comes out its up to us to comment on whether he is up to par...Man! I bet he's gonna be awesome...cant fuckin wait...
So he's up to par because he wouldn't have been asked to join otherwise, therefore he's up to par? Circular reasoning much?

I've to agree with biggsy and Mumblefood on this one, that was a fucking shit thing to say. What Gordon Freeman said was reasonable and logical, and I happen to agree with it.
So he's up to par because he wouldn't have been asked to join otherwise, therefore he's up to par?
In a word, yes. Would you hire someone for a job who you didn't think could perform up to the high standards you would expect from your 'employees'? Mikael seems pretty anal anyway when it comes to who he plays with, so I couldn't see him choosing a hack drummer.