Axl All Fairness


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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I'm starting to think that we should get off of AXL's nuts for a minute. before you say "WHAT DID THIS CRAZY FUCK-NUT JUST SAY?" listen to this......
I d/loaded some R I R shit off of kAzZaA and the tracks from "CHINESE DEMOCRACY" have good vox on 'em.
The shit they played from the catalogue has good vox on 'em.
So what the fuck was up w/ AXL's VMA performance?
Anyhow, every former member of GNR has respectivly put out albums since the split... I know AXL was a dick and all, but he deserves to make this work just to prove he's not a loser.
Now, who better to finally kill the pop seed than AXL ROSE?
Are you following me?
Metal and hard rock in general needs a new frontman......
Hetfield isn't up to the task, and AXL's hungry for the spotlight.
we all remember what happens when AXL's in the spotlight don' t we? RIOTS, MAYHEM, BURNING CARS, LARGE BREASTS EXPOSED FROM ALL DIRECTIONS (lol). True, his live performance is questionable at best, but on a disc, it's gonna be AXL FUCKING ROSE. And as bad as i hate to say it, 10 years is too long to go without him insighting a riot and getting maximum press for the rock scene.

Blast me, agree w/ me, I don't care-just think about it.
When AXL ROSE faded into obscurity, so did metal and hard rock.
It's time for a comeback.
My my, what a bloody marvellous idea! Let's just hope the fucking album actually comes out in our lifetimes eh?!
Holy shit! Somebody get a hold of braT so she can witness - I have posted a thread that ppl agree with! Stop the world and let me off this crazy ball...i knew i was gonna get slammed. thanx for the support on this one!

To all of you, I give the horns!

Yeah... My theory about why Axl sucked at the VMAs was because he just got nervous... yeah, it's a dumb reason, but I believe it may be correct because Axl hasn't performed in front of so many people for soo long... so cut him some slack, he's only human!
Like I said before THE MAN CAN"T SING LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why do you think he gots the "lovely Tracie and Roberta here to help you"
Same thing with the Offspring, they are a 4 piece, but live they have like 8 people to play the songs, they just can't stand up to the record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by dutchy
Like I said before THE MAN CAN"T SING LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why do you think he gots the "lovely Tracie and Roberta here to help you"

God, they can't sing either! I call them The Banshees :yuk:
I would love to see OlderMetal get somemore spot light, do you think it's really gonna happen. Axl the front man of Heavy Metal, please, you gotta be joking. Nope, at best Axl's GnR will get a little reconition, provided the record company is willing to pay of a few important critics, to give extremely favourable mentions. He will be in the spot light for at most a year and then will either go underground, do the Poison, Faster Pussy Cat thing or just disappear all together.

But maybe I'm just a pestimist!!! :)