Ayreon developments.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Ok, the first vocalist is confirmed.

First vocalist confirmed!
There were some good guesses as to who the vocalist was on the sound sample that we put up a month ago. A few even got it right: the first vocalist who will star on the new Ayreon is Magali Luyten (Virus IV and Beautiful Sin). You can check out her MySpace pages here:

Magali Luyten
Virus IV
Beautiful Sin

And here's the teaser for the second one

Second vocalist recorded!
The second singer recorded vocals at the Electric Castle this week. You can listen to an acapella version (the instruments have been removed) at this location. We'll be announcing the identity soon, but first join in the guessing fun on our messageboard.

All stuff comes fropm the official site.

NP: Turbo - 'Neon Knights'