Ayreon samples!

Sounds great. During the first nanosecond, I thought it was a cover of Kansas' "Carry on My Wayward Son". :goggly:

Anyway, that Joplinesque female voice reminds me of one of the runners-up in the recent 'hard rock' American Idol rip-off that aired in America sometime last year (with Tommy Lee & Gilby Clarke). I believe the singer's name was Delanna, or something like that. This Ayreon sample sounds a lot like her.

However, it's hard to believe Arjen would work with her.
It does remind me of that chick. Let's hope he went with someone hotter than that though....haha
Some people say that's the singer from Beautiful Sin (Uli Kusch's band), I'm not too familiar with that project but judging from their Myspace clips that might just be true.
As far as I can make out the singer is indeed Magali Luyten from Beautiful Sin. But I think the background voice is another singer, as that doesn't sound like Magali at all.