Ayreons new album

Sorry for saying this but it sucked... Maby it's because I hate powermetal vocals but that was horrible imo. Renkse was good though.
My review: The 102 Minute EP
I want Arjen to do better. I expect more from him and his parade of all-stars than what he churns out, which is a double album with 3 or less passable tracks. (This comment goes for Universal Migrator, Human Equation, and 01011001). Their talents and his are wasted on this music. It's often-generic recycled prog riffage with amazing vocal performances... of the worst lyrics ever written.

The concept of 01011001 is a watered down, childish version of PoS - BE. Unlike BE, it doesn't address deeper concerns or present its message subtly and tactfully. Instead it bashes you over the head with it, and with lyrics that are so poorly conceived that they hardly seem serious at all. Also unlike BE, which was highly erratic in genre, 01011001 by stark contrast is nearly as same-ish as a Dragonforce Box Set. It won't offend anybody or spark controversy like BE, but then again it won't do much of anything.

For an album boasting the talents of so many musicians and vocalists, it is a severe letdown. There are no memorable riffs, and the vocals, although powerfully delivered, fall short because the words sung are so awful that the listener makes an effort not to understand them. The songs, though each is of epic length, have nothing of epic majesty to them, and appear to drag on far too long. For all the hoopla about guest vocalists and musicians (I heard nothing memorable on the album from Romeo or Sherinian), the hype was overrated in the greatest sense. None but Jonas Renkse really stand out. His performances, sprinkled throughout, and his grande finale (the only track on which he growls) are the only parts of the album that caught my interest. The rest of it was just passive music.

Arjen could have saved himself time and money and just condensed all of this down to an EP or a Single like Avantasia - Lost In Space. At least that was only 4 minutes long and got to the punch asap. It was listenable. This is the 2 hour version of that 4 minute track, ala Ayreon style. It should also be noted that there are no differences musically or conceptually between the two discs. The monotonous story trudges on as ever, on and on, on and on. While the discs may be labeled "Earth" and "Y" and the graphics represent Earth and a futuristic mechanized world, no delineation is made in the music.
Rating: 1 out of 5

Sorry :lol:
The earlier Ayreon hasn't really done it for me, except for parts from the Universal Migrator combo. However, I greatly enjoyed The Human Equation and if this new album is in the same vein as it, I'm sure I'll like it better than you guys ;)

Edit: oops, typo
I really don't know if I like the album yet. I need to listen to it more. I sounds promising though. Probably not as good as Human Equation but still really good music. Some parts are really heavy wich I like.
Ok, well as a HUGE fan of Human Equation and Into The Electric Castle, after listening to the new album a couple of times, I gotta say, anybody who loved those two albums will be very very very happy. The album is charming it's way into my heart slowly just like those two did. And FUBAR, just so you know, there is one song on Disc 1 that is oozing with cheese down to every last lyric and musical note, oh boy oh boy, I'm very happy with this album, and I really believe any fan of Ayreon will love it, because Ayreon has never really strayed too far from the same sound album to album when it comes down to it, and this album maintains that Ayreon charm!!!
Ok, well as a HUGE fan of Human Equation and Into The Electric Castle, after listening to the new album a couple of times, I gotta say, anybody who loved those two albums will be very very very happy. The album is charming it's way into my heart slowly just like those two did. And FUBAR, just so you know, there is one song on Disc 1 that is oozing with cheese down to every last lyric and musical note, oh boy oh boy, I'm very happy with this album, and I really believe any fan of Ayreon will love it, because Ayreon has never really strayed too far from the same sound album to album when it comes down to it, and this album maintains that Ayreon charm!!!

Ah thats cool. I only own the two Ayreon albums you mentioned so I shud dig it!
Gotta love little shit-lickers like you that steal something, don't even listen to the whole thing, and then announce to the world that it sucked.

Fuck you, I have a right to say what I think! I did listen to the whole album and I (ME, MOI, JAG) thought that it sucked. If you dont agree go a head and say it and why you dont agree but dont fucking insult me, that just makes you look like a idiot.

And so what if I download music? As I said in my first post in this thread I download music to see if I like it then I buy it, and if I dont like it I delete it from the computer.

Retards like you are destroying the forums and everytime you post you kill a kitten.
Fuck you, I have a right to say what I think! I did listen to the whole album and I (ME, MOI, JAG) thought that it sucked. If you dont agree go a head and say it and why you dont agree but dont fucking insult me, that just makes you look like a idiot.

And so what if I download music? As I said in my first post in this thread I download music to see if I like it then I buy it, and if I dont like it I delete it from the computer.

Retards like you are destroying the forums and everytime you post you kill a kitten.

I'm not a stickler about the issue, but you're paying to listen to the music, regardless whether you listen to it 1 or 10,000 times. You don't go to a concert and then pay at the box office if you liked the show. It's kind of not cool to do that considering the band had entire songs available for free download.

And hey, I download too, occasionally. But I only download stuff that I intend to buy (and I do get around to doing it, my CD collection is really huge). I still consider that to be a no no on my part. There's a difference between geting a song or two from someone, but if you rip off someone's whole album and then ditch it, the least you can do is admit you ripped them off.

I mean, Dan's own position before has been that he doesn't care so long as you listen to his music, but it's always much more honest to buy their music if you intend to give an album a full listen. =)