The world's most awesome metal band BABYMETAL world tour 2015 continues
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I think you should check your dictionary for the definition of the word "awesome." I think "funniest metal band" would be more appropriate here.
I love BABYMETAL man.
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Why all the good musicians if the result is total crap? Not even funny, if it's supposed to be a joke.
This should read: "I'm employed as BABYMETAL's publicist."
That would be a dream job. But unfortunate their not paying me. I just think they rock.
It's quite telling that I have no problem professing my love for Kylie Minogue, Cobie Callait, the Veronicas and other completely, ridiculously non-metal music artists.
However, if I even had a smattering of pleasure while listening to Babymetal (hint: I don't) I don't think I'd even have the balls to admit such a thing.
I'm not gonna lie, the song Bloopy posted is a pretty catchy piece of power metal, even if the choreographed dancing creeps me out. However, the next three songs I listened to by them were atrocious hybrids of j-pop and nu-metal. Then I looked up that one song and it looks like Dragonforce co-wrote it. In other words, this is a garbage gimmick band who got a real metal band to co-write one real metal song for them.
They'll do very well if that one song is a direction they're heading in.
No joke. This band are changing the face of metal and taking it to new places. They have created their own genre "Kawaii Metal" and they are taking it all over the world.
They have rocked out Sonisphere, Heavy Montreal, Rock on the range and Summersonic in The UK, Canada, US and Japan.
Sold out venues in New York, Paris, London, LA and Tokyo
They are legit and the Metal community has embraced them, They have earned the respect of their peers and will continue to grow their namw on a global scale