Back after 3 months without internet


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hi guys :)

I did not come here since Xmas time, because at that time I was in holidays, and when I came back, my internet connection here disappeared because of some workers for a new tramway line in my city cut some phone lines accidentaly.

I missed 3 months of, I'm sure, interesting knowledge, tips, and maybe guiar amp simulator vsts, or recording tutorials, or slate's announcement, or whatever.

I went reading last pages of each section and I've read some times that for some people it's hard to actually do "music" instead of tweaking useless plugins to end saying "shit I've lost 3 hours of my time on that". I just wanted to talk about it because I was sometimes feeling that, some time ago.

As I was off from production learning etc, I thought it was the good time to go on write more of my music (I'm currently on a solo project). So I picked my guitars again, I rediscovered them, and I eventually even played some old songs I had in my memory just for pleasure. I even worked a little bit on my guitar skills, and they improved. Also, I took pleasure to sit again in front of my songs and find ideas each day, and eventually in the end of a week or 2 I finished the first one (they take me a lot of time because I have taken the path of varying my riffs and styles a lot, which is dramatically harder than when I just wrote swedish riffs), and then again, I started a second one, that I have almost finished. And now I'm on the next song. I even started to get singing lessons from a professionnal (who luckily likes metal so we will eventually work on my songs) and it has been amazingly interesting so far. And all that, without being actually stressed by the fact I'm not following the last news from the board (don't get me wrong : I missed this place a lot cause you guys are just so stupidly fun) or over-thinking the following process. I now think that I just have to write material that is realistic and decent to product, and I'll actually think of the recording when time will come, same for mixing, and same for mastering. I'm even learning to actually PLAY my songs which I would have never done before (except when in a real band) and the recording process will not be "learn and record, learn and record, learn and record".

That was my 2cents but I'm actually happy of that so I just wanted to show that sometimes, taking distance can bring benefits :)

(Optionnally : also that you may prepare that one day I'll post a demo or an EP of my current work :) )

Anyway I'm glad to read you again, some topics here even brought the lolz again and I just almost pissed in my pants several times today...
Although, may I have missed some interesting parts here ?
Actually I'm currently living in Montpellier, will have to change my info

Anyway thank you
And nice french touch, Jevil :)
C'est gentil et tu mérites un gros bisou.