Armored Saint and Soilwork I would have wanted to see the most. I don't care what anyone says, "La Raza" is one of the best Saint albums, ever. Would have been great to experience some of these songs live. Word is, Bush's voice is back in top form after it having been shredded in the hands of Anthrax due to him being told constantly 'sound more like Phil Anselmo. Sound more like Phil Anselmo'...

Speed is one of the greatest Metal singers in recent times. Sorry I had to miss Soilwork busting out "Follow the Hollow", and the immediate circle pit inducing "Bastard Chain". Bet it shook the building. :headbang:
Saint were the best from what I saw on Saturday.

Wolf played really well, but I wasn't too thrilled on the setlist.

Circus Maximus were the surprise band for me.
Not my thing really at all, but they put on a REALLY good show, and I actually watched most of their set which I was not planning to do.

Musically I think they are fun, but I am so over piped in power metal.
Sabaton to me came off as a power metal boy band.
Sorry, I know that comment won't go over well with the PP faithful, but its my opinion.

I REALLY wish I could have been there for both CIIC and Rhapsody....