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Jul 7, 2002
St. Paul, MN
Thanks for another great weekend, guys! The bands were incredible and it was a total priviledge to see Morgana Lefay again. I can't thank you enough for that! Twelfth Gate's guest vocalist, Brent "Red" Erickson, was fantastic! He really brought a cool element to the stage and made it work great!

I met so many great new people and saw a LOT of old friends. Thanks to you, too, for making Powerfest 2006 a great experience all around!

Linda & Steph, I can't wait to hear the extended version of your story. It'll definately be one for the Powerfest history books! :p

:kickass: Cheers
Last night, I believe a good time was had by all - certainly by me. We had to bail a little early since Scott had some, uh, issues, but I had a blast, and Nocturnal Rites simply blew me away...

Now, I have to work on the Friday part for next year. ;)
Thank you everyone who made this fest possible, it was incredible as always! I think the highlight of the weekend was getting kicked out of the hotel by the police lol! There was so much metal in that hotel it was amazing! :headbang: I can't wait to see who will be on the next year's bill that will top this year's lineup.
There was already a Powerfest thread started on the Prog Power board, and I posted my full review there.

Great evening (I was only there on Saturday).

Everything was set up well and ran well too. Great job Chris and Rob (to echo Vito's comments). All the people involved should be proud.
eaeolian said:
Last night, I believe a good time was had by all - certainly by me. We had to bail a little early since Scott had some, uh, issues, but I had a blast, and Nocturnal Rites simply blew me away...

Now, I have to work on the Friday part for next year. ;)

Thanks dude, makin' me sound like some kind of psycho :)

I have two shot knees and a bum hip, so by the end of the night I was in agony....

I should apologize if I wasn't as social as I usually am, the air disaster really put a damper on my weekend...
I got some good photos Saturday night, I'll post them as soon as I get them off of the camera.
sh0kr0k said:
Linda & Steph, I can't wait to hear the extended version of your story. It'll definately be one for the Powerfest history books! :p

:kickass: Cheers

Please be patient -- the extended version of the story will take LOTS of typing, which I am not currently up for at the moment, LOL!! I'm not sure if Linda is either. :)

Not to worry -- details will be posted in the near future...

It was great seeing you! Sorry we didn't have more time to hang out -- will have to make up for it at ProgPower. :kickass:

TwstDrSteph said:
Please be patient -- the extended version of the story will take LOTS of typing, which I am not currently up for at the moment, LOL!! I'm not sure if Linda is either. :)

Not to worry -- details will be posted in the near future...

It was great seeing you! Sorry we didn't have more time to hang out -- will have to make up for it at ProgPower. :kickass:


Steph it was great hanging out with you too! Thanks for putting up with my drunk ass. :lol: We'll definately make it up at ProgPower!

Can't wait for all the details... the natives are getting restless.
Yippee38 said:
I kinda enjoyed that phone call. It made me wonder if maybe you've had a previous career in "films". :devil:

Hahaha! No, however I do constantly get approached to do "films" :puke:

It aws awesome hanging out with you and Shannon again! I gotta admit, I didn't recognize you at first. You had a mustache last time I saw you. I'm such a dork. :oops:
sh0kr0k said:
Hahaha! No, however I do constantly get approached to do "films" :puke:

Very strange. You must hang out in all the "right" places. ;)

It aws awesome hanging out with you and Shannon again! I gotta admit, I didn't recognize you at first. You had a mustache last time I saw you. I'm such a dork. :oops:
Yeah. The mustache was the biggest change. :cry: