backing tracks


Asian Woman
Jan 19, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Is there any way to make a backing track by removing the lead somehow? I was wanting to do Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (I-V) for a school performance and don't really want to use accompaniment. Does anyone know anything about this? Or does a backing track have to be specifically recorded?

I was wondering if anyone knew any good sites for backing tracks in general as well?

Thanks for any help.
There are two ways to do this. THere is a machine designed to take out the center channel (equal in left and right channel) out of stereo recordings (designed for vocalists) called the vocal eliminator but it often also takes out lead guitar parts. The other way is to find a quadraphonic (four channel) audio system made in the 70's that has a "simulated" quadraphonic setting and record the song through that system using only the rear channels. The system cancels the audio signal that is equal in both left and right channels just like the vocal eliminator and plays the remainder in the rear speakers.
