bad blood supply?


Father Figure
May 14, 2003
South Carolina
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i can't donate blood anymore. it's not because of the time i spent in Haiti, Africa, or southeast Asia. it's because i spent 8 mths in Scotland. it's because of B.S.E.(mad cow disease).
anyone spending 3 mths in the U.K. or 6 mths in continental Europe is automatically rejected by the Red Cross and hospitals. this really cuts into the blood supply and now people are worrying about organ donations.
is this a worry in Europe? is there a large problem with the blood supply? are people scared to get surgery?
dragonfu said:
anyone spending 3 mths in the U.K. or 6 mths in continental Europe is automatically rejected by the Red Cross and hospitals.
:confused: huh? what kind of politics is that?!
ppl. all across continental europe or Uk or Ireland couldn't get any surgical treatment, if this was a reasonable and stable argument! :loco: in time, europe's gonna decrease considerably in number :Spin:
huh? what kind of politics is that?!ppl. all across continental europe or Uk or Ireland couldn't get any surgical treatment, if this was a reasonable and stable argument! in time, europe's gonna decrease considerably in number
the politics of fear. a few years back a man in Canada contracted Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from a cornea transplant and that caused a slight panic with organ donations. with aids, different types of hepatitus, and other bloodborne pathogens they've tightened up the restrictions on blood donations. a lot of people that are going under the knife give their own blood or platelets in advance so they won't get someone elses blood.
i understand all fears regarding transmitted diseases (via blood), but i think it's also a political issue, since the EU and the USA are not best friends politically and economically just recently, another suit was filed against the EU by the US, regarding an economical issue - but that's another story.... so, to me, this is only another kind of gibe to make US citizens stick to their nation and not become too much friends with Europe. i might as well be wrong, but when i consider all things that have happened in the past year(s), then i definitely can imagine that this blood-refusal (taking blood from ppl. who have stayed too long in europe) is just another stupidity born out of a weird kind of national pride.

there should be more carefulness in and put more emphasis on testing donated blood, rather than refusing....

btw, many ppl. tend to establish a blood-bank from their own blood when they know they have a blood-intensive operation to come.
Rather than point to some conspiracy, look at the most rational explanation first. From the sound of it, this is about liability and safety. A death or two from some bad blood would end up being labelled a huge crisis by news organizations (which are scum) and lawyers would be all over it, trying to sue the red cross, the hospitals, the doctors. This happens all the time here since Clinton enabled those horrible malpractice lawsuit bills. Its pushing our doctors out of the practice, hurting the funds available for medical research - its a bad deal anytimeyou give lawyers an inroad.