Bad day


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
My friend and studio partner was in a very bad truck accident and broke his back in several places, the crash was so bad his seat belt cut through his body. suck when shit like this happens.
Jesus christ dude, I didn't even know the seatbelt thing was possible - broke his back, meaning, paralyzed? How'd it happen? And my sympathies to both you guys!
Jesus christ dude, I didn't even know the seatbelt thing was possible - broke his back, meaning, paralyzed? How'd it happen? And my sympathies to both you guys!
I'm sorry it didnt cut through it but it cut into it.......he's a very large guy and I am just guessing that his weight may have had a role in why he got hurt so bad. no he isnt paralyzed....but he's close to it.
Sorry to hear this man. Hope he gets away without too much permanent damage.

Life's always at the verge of going off rails when you don't expect it the least... I was travelling last weekend and got a call that a buddy of mine just dropped dead at a discotheque. Dude just collapsed, turned his eyes, foam at his mouth... that was it, lights out. Dead at 21.