Bad Teacher trailer


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Red Band = NSFW or Children


Somebody needs tickets to Disney World to make life a bit less miserable...

Oh wait, Disney World probably sucks too for so many reasons!

Anyway, looking forward to see this movie!
Honestly, the movie looks quite stupid. I like funny movies, but this one doesn't seem to have much brains to it at all, relying on non-creative jokes (all jokes come off, in this trailer, as expected). Still, it will likely be worth at least a view via Netflix.

This is coming from the guy who really quite liked 'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell'
Honestly, the movie looks quite stupid. I like funny movies, but this one doesn't seem to have much brains to it at all, relying on non-creative jokes (all jokes come off, in this trailer, as expected). Still, it will likely be worth at least a view via Netflix.

This is coming from the guy who really quite liked 'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell'

Sure it's a silly movie. Doesn't make it bad.

Since when movies have to be taken 100% seriously now? I thought that was supposed to be only valid when it comes to metal bands...
wow....bad on all levels. It is movies like this that make we want to only watch foreign films.

What's this "we" business Bob? Got a mouse in your pocket? Are there two of you who are pissed off at everything? I mean, fuck it all man, you see my facebook rants and how much I hate society and stupid people, blah blah blah, but goddamn, you make me feel like a ray of sunshine as opposed to your being a black hole who just constantly wants to stomp a mudhole in the worlds ass and walk it dry.
This is coming from the guy who really quite liked 'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell'

I think we have a winner. That book and movie are fantastic. I've been a fan of Tucker since his first book came out quite a few years ago, have read every story on his site countless times, and have even met him at a premiere screening of that film. Nice as hell to his fans, but can definitely be an asshole, just as the books and movie suggest. Glad to know there is another fan here.
Looks funny to me. I actually prefer my movies to be non-serious most of the time. I have enough "serious" in real life. Movies that are funny, or not grounded in reality make a better escape.

Speaking of which, when the hell is Suckerpunch coming out? For some reason, I thought over the winter.
Looks funny to me. I actually prefer my movies to be non-serious most of the time. I have enough "serious" in real life. Movies that are funny, or not grounded in reality make a better escape.

Speaking of which, when the hell is Suckerpunch coming out? For some reason, I thought over the winter.

March or April I believe. It's been in production forever. Hell, David Caradine is in it, I think it was his last film.
You are not allowed to post in any movie related thread in the future unless it's specifically titled "Every Movie Sucks Now."

Sorry, I am a movie fanatic. I am very picky and hate when stuff like this drivel gets made while there are so many other better films out there not getting the attention. It is funny that people will settle for stuff that isnt good. Like when people say turn your brain off and watch the movie. That is the same as saying that with an album that isnt good.

For people who say I dont like anything.....

some of my favorites from last year are

Four Lions
Never Let me Go
Mic Macs
Black Death

I am all over the place from classic comedies like Animal House, Caddyshack, Neighbors to extreme horror to dramas. I also love bad movies that kill time but to go to a theater to watch something like this. No thanks.
Movies like this, and "Paul" (the movie, not Pellaz :)) are exactly what I need to step away from all the real life bullshit... Silly can be good, if done right....

Traiker for "Paul"

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Movies like this, and "Paul" (the movie, not Pellaz :))

Oh, I see what this is all about!!

...are exactly what I need to step away from all the real life bullshit... Silly can be good, if done right....

Well, okay. I, for one, welcome my new eponymous overlords. :D

That DID look pretty funny, although it's the kind of movie I wouldn't pay $9 to see in a theater...but might end up paying $10 for a DVD. :lol:

Speaking of alien movies.......

Hell, it has Morgan Freeman in it, so it's basically an automatic win. :devil: