Bal-Sagoth - The Chthonic Chronicles

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Bal-Sagoth - The Chthonic Chronicles
Candlelight Records - CDL302 - May 16, 2006
by Amanda J. Carlson

I was first introduced to Bal-Sagoth a few years ago with the song "Naked Steel (The Warrior’s Saga)" from the album Battle Magic, and was not impressed. It has come time for me to give them a second chance, and I'm glad I did. The English symphonic black metalers have at last released the final chapter of their six-album collection of epic fantasy and occult explorations. The Chthonic Chronicles is dark and powerful, imaginative and sometimes chaotic. It's what Bal-Sagoth fans have been waiting years for.

The orchestrations are top-notch, all composed digitally in the band's own studio, and it's these alone that make the album a worthwhile listen. The massive guitar sound only adds to the power that the music carries, and their ability to go from pure classical instrumental songs to the super fast rhythms and screams synonymous with black metal not only shows their variety in musical tastes, but also their skills in putting a story to music. Vocally, Bal-Sagoth is one of the most unique bands I've come across; there is more spoken word than black metal screams, which makes perfect sense, as the story being told is just as important as the music. Of course, it's also a lot easier to understand than the other vocal style...

It's the occasional insanity that becomes a turnoff for me. One example is 'Invocations Beyond the Outer-World Night', where the drummer plays so fast in some parts it's like one big mess. Those moments are few and far between, thus there is little reason to dislike this release. They really impress me with 'Arcana Antediluvia', a song with that same crazy heaviness but structured perfectly with the orchestral undertones. Bal-Sagoth isn’t going to be one of my favorite bands, but they are indeed worthy of admiration. The Chthonic Chronicles is a must for fans of this style.


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Bal-Sagoth Official Website
Candlelight Records Official Website