Balance and Composure, Title Fight style band (real drums, real guitars).


Oct 29, 2009
Milton Keynes
My ears are wrecked and I've most likely made some 'questionable' decisions along the way so any feedback (technical or creative) would be hugely appreciated. It's Toll v4.mp3

No samples used.

Fender Jaguar, Stratocaster and Telecaster through Laney, Orange and H&K heads into my Zilla SFB 2x12.

More details and pics if anybody wants 'em

Edit: Updated mix
The sound reminds me of Piano's Become the Teeth first EP, if that's what you were going for. Very light and middy. Personally I'd mix it a bit more dense sounding but it sounds good what you're going for. I'd just turn the vocals down a bit.
Great stuff!
The mix sounds very indie-ish, I'd even say midwest-emo-from-90s-ish in a good way, which is really cool. The song is great, it reminded me of SDRE but with A Wilhelm Scream's singer haha. What's the name of the band?
However, as Allan said, I'd prefer it to be a little more dense, present and closer to the listener, especially the vocals (could be turned down but would benefit from the presence boost). But that's just MHO, so don't ruin this beautiful soulful mix!
It definitely has the right vibe, just turn down the vocals.

And what's the band ? Really digging the music.
Cheers guys, I've done an updated mix with your feedback which I'll post tonight.

This is one if the songs I recorded for a split they're doing. The band are called Hindsights and they're from Slough in the UK.


EP I also did.

Fun fact: We recorded drums in a church near me and pretty much all the reverb you hear in that is natural:

Updated the mix with some pretty subtle adjustments.

Less loudness, slightly brighter guitars, quieter main vocals, louder background vocals and less mud in the bass.
Maaan, i dig the new mix! Guitars sound amazing. I think you could compress lead vocals a little more, i guess, i'm just used to the more "produced" kind of vocals with less dynamics. Maybe add some highs to the snare though to emphasize the smack.
This other song is great as well. I like the band a lot, hope to hear more from these guys.
I like them overall but it was hard to hear anything too clearly in that room.

My room is untreated as well so I tend to check my mixes over on Genelecs at my university.
Sounds good and natural, the only thing I would have done was compress the vocals more, they sound a little "too natural"