BAllad o f saddam....

They executed the only guy that was capable of restoring a lasting peace there--sure he was evil, and kinda of a prick but his people werent doing what they are doing now PLUS he kept the Iranians in line
Saddam being in power was no gaurentee that Iran would not have tried to become nuclear. I disagree that a genocidal madman should be left alone because he kept another madman in line. How about getting rid of both mad-men?
How bout those REAL videos of Saddam's execution made by cell phone? Those were awesome! Everyone shouting at him to fuckin die and go to hell. It was a less than average Mussolini death, nothing extravagant. I mean, his corpse wasn't displayed in public for old ladies to spit upon, like il Duce was.

Oh, but the fuckin Brits were all over it like maple syrup, complaining and complaining!

"I say, how undignified! Quite medieval, that! You don't see us mocking the condemned like savages..."

Shut the fuck up! That son of a bitch required his last moments in a comfortable climate to be noisy, humiliating, and completely undignified!

What's the matter with these loudmouths from London??

so i finally watched the footage. - yes it was him,,,but far less gruesome that that footage of the decapitated american from a couple of years ago.

Now that my friends was some seriously insane shit to see on film.