Band I just finished mixing, check it out and let me know how it sounds

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Too late to change anything now, but hey i figured id throw it up here to see hwat you guys think of it. I'm actually quite proud of this one, but im still looking for input and advice i can use for the following bands that are coming in to see me. The band is Queen Anne's Revenge (my brother's band) and the song is called 'Manpri's & Band Tee's'.

Slate shells, Sturgis cymbals, pod.
yeah... the vocal tracks in general just sound to dry. the drums sound to programmed. try changing the velocities a little bit more.
Thanks everyone for their input so far. Screams were intentionally left dry to hopefully present a 'raw' feel, the cleans however I layered with panning automation, beat delay, and other things; guess just not enough. Thanks again to everyone. Im taking all comments and advice into consideration. Any more? Keep it comin.