Band logo?

Would anyone be willing to make a logo for my death metal band? We are called Avariss, and our music is along the lines of Death and Arsis. If anyone could make a cool legible logo for us, that would be awesome. We won't be able to pay, but if anyone feels inclined to help us out, that would be great. Thanks! :rock:
Would anyone be willing to make a logo for my death metal band? We are called Avariss, and our music is along the lines of Death and Arsis. If anyone could make a cool legible logo for us, that would be awesome. We won't be able to pay, but if anyone feels inclined to help us out, that would be great. Thanks! :rock:

Do u have something in mind or u wanna to someone think all? do u have some idea? i might try, but no promise.
i can try and work somethin up for ya too, not sure how good it'll be tho
i did draw something, but it only contain A and S, not all name. i figured u mean just logo. it's nothing special, but i think it's ok. but now have to figured something how to put pic in comp.