Bands losing keyboard players

oh divine too..fuck, this sucks! :(
maybe people doesn't like keyboards that much anymore..i really don't have an answer on that question..but i do know that sonata arctica soon will have a keyboardist again..i think they are interested in some finnish keyboardist dude..
Keyboards are very important to Power Metal. Not just for the "keyboardy" parts, but for effects as well, like orchestral sounds, or certain other things like flute sounds, and so on.And DON'T let them fool you! I've heard lots of bands that AREN'T Power Metal using keyboards too!!! They are not just an instrument but a great tool for setting mood and atmosphere. :)
BNC.....just checked out the link. I think that's going to look pretty cool when a review is up too! Just gonna scribble in the guestbook there.

I guess with those keys players leaving...I'm sure the old "Musical differences" thing will probably be the reason.:D
They always say that. Why don't they say the truth? We don't get alone bc they are a bunch of assholes. :p :lol: (I am kidding.)

And thank you....I think "Fresh Blood" looks good as well. He did a great job. He'll be thankful that you signed his guestbook. :D Hellion's singer "Ann Boleyn" signed it also. Cool. :cool: