Bands similar to Bloodbath?

seeing as they are almost a parody of american death metal i'd check that out...also stuff from poland, Dies Irae, Vader ect.
Could you name some American death metal? I've heard a few American bands like Nile(I think they are anyway) and Iced Earth but the majority have not been to my tastes. I prefer the European style growling.
Uh... Iced Earth isn't death metal. But anyway, check out Death, Morbid Angel... that's about it for American death metal bands I' like...
What you are looking for are bands from the first swedish wave of death metal, recorded at Sunlight studios. Try these albums:

Grave - Into the grave
Dismember - Like an everflowing stream
Entombed - Left hand path
Unleashed - Where no life dwells
Entomed - Left Hand Path
Morbid Angel - Covenant/Altars/ and Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Deicide - Serpents of the Light

I think Bloodbath sounds alot like a mixture of those 3 bands.

Also check out Suffocation, Vader, Carnage...umm Bloodbath to me isnt that unique, you shouldnt have trouble finding bands that are similar.
download some Decapitated,Kataklys,Vehemence,Vader.

If you like Bloodbath,you will like thos bands alot.