bands with sick musicians???

Dec 3, 2008
hello all! I was listening to my ipod the other day, and i had a sudden revelation: My ipod has become incredibly dull to me. I haven't found a lot more good music that I can put on my ipod, and because of this, i've been listening to the same 800 or so songs over and over again.

My two favorite bands on the ipod are Dream Theater and Kalmah, because I love the ridiculously sick and wicked guitar/drums combination. Actually, forget the guitar/drums, every musician in those two bands is insane at their respective instrument, and being a guy who is more into sick music, and the guy who always tells my friends that "singing is overrated", I like that kind of stuff.

I'm looking for a band with great guitars and drums, i couldn't really care about bass because it's so hard for me to hear bass anyways it doesn't really matter to me. The singing, if i had a choice, should be screaming/growling. HOWEVER, i must note that i really hate the lead singer of Kalmah. Don't get me wrong, I like it when he does those long, drawn-out screams, but i hate the way he sings the verses. Ugh, to me, it sounds like Gollum from lord of the rings taking a shit and vomiting at the same time, lol. :D

But seriously, I like screaming, but not stuff like Kalmah, haha. It shouldn't sound like a frog...

Any suggestions as to bands that have sick musicians and a screaming singer who doesn't sound too scary??? haha, thanks a bunch!!!

PS: Like i said, i think that singing is overrated, so if you know of a good band with incredible musicians but the singing may not exactly fit under what i described above, just put it down anyways and i'll look up a couple of their songs. Thanks so much!!!

PPS: I REALLY REALLY REALLY like solos!! guitar solos or even better yet, drum solos, but i know for a fact that the drum solos are a longshot, lmfao, it sucks it's not the 1960's for that very
lol yeah, i'm kind of eccentric like that...haha.

I love kalmah, but i don't really like the singing. I don't necessarily HATE it, but i don't like it either. A lot of the people i know who like kalmah LOVE the singing, but it just never appealed to me. I like metal because the music is really heavy and powerful, not because the singing is badass. like i said, i think singing is overrated....i don't know exactly how to describe that...haha.

And thanks for the link to the progressive metal thread. The only progressive metal band i've ever listened to, or even HEARD OF is DT, but I REALLY like them as well, haha.

One thing that i want to make clear right now is that I don't know a lot about metal. Metal is the only thing i listen to, but on my ipod i've basically got like, 4 bands or so on it--KMFDM, Otep, Kalmah, Dream Theater--and I've got a couple of other random songs by various artists that i'm too lazy to list right now. So I'd definitely appreciate it if you don't go hating me because I'm ignorant about the various views on certain types of metal, or certain metal bands. I've been listening to metal for a long time--I'm 17 now and i started when i was 9 (although when i was 9 it was only DT and KMFDM, which is a very good band if you're into that kind of stuff). When i was 11 and went to middle school, I went through the worst phase of my life--the "rap phase". Ugh, god I can't believe i ever did that, lol.

I got the feeling that I came off as a total moron, and got the feeling that my original post may have been completely ridiculous. I'm not trying to anger anybody, or sound like a complete moron--If anything, I'm looking to expand my knowledge and taste of metal through you guys: the ultimate metal forum. So my apologies in advance, and thanks to the guy who made the only worthwhile post in this thread so far leading me to the progressive metal forum.
do you guys think that progressive death metal would be good for me???

If you do, can you give me a list of some better ones?

If not, just forget it...haha lol.

Sick musicians, the vocals I guess could be considered screaming. Also, if you can't hear bass in it, then something is wrong with you.
Focus and Traced in Air by Cynic both exemplify extraodinary musicianship - Paul Masvidal is one hell of a guitarist, Sean Reinhart one helluva drummer. Dunno what you'll think of the vocals though.

Gojira are a seriously talented band (but no solos, but the tightness of the drumming and guitar playing is awesome) From MArs to Sirius is a great album.

Tired and drunk so can't think of more at the moment.

Edit: Just thought you might like Wintersun (only one album, self titled. ) Jani Maenpa is a brilliant sweeper, and a great songwriter.

Also, although people will argue over whether they're progressive death, Opeth are (IMO) a fantastic band and well worth exploring their Discography. I'd suggest checking My Arms, Your hearse / Still Life/ Blackwater Park - Although Deliverance may be more up your street.

Ever listened to Kiuas? Really sick guitar work.

The singer sings clean, but with a nasty bite.

do you guys think that progressive death metal would be good for me???

If you do, can you give me a list of some better ones?

Recommendations? for sure, got lots:

Technical Death Metal/Progressive:

Theory In Practice
Lykathea Aflame

Other bands with great musicians:

Windham Hell
Quo Vadis
Spiral Architect
Zero Hour
Spastic Ink
Soilwork (early stuff)
Intestine Baalism
Symphony X
Into Eternity
Dream Theater/Liquid Tension Experiment
Time Requiem
Planet X
Rusty Cooley (guitar album)
Jeff Loomis (guitar album)

*brain damage*

Hope that helps.

Edit: In the technical death metal section check only the first 4 out. I didn't notice 'til now that you didn't want guttural vocals.
By saying "sick", i thought you meant musicians who literally are sick, that's why i was going to recommend you Silencer.
haha no by "sick" i mean like the gods of their specific musical instruments, lmfao.

The superheroes of music, don't care about the singing. And thanks to the guy who linked kiuas, they are pretty good.

And to the guy who made the huge list, thanks a bunch, there were a lot on there.

And just to make a clarification, i don't mind screaming for singing--in fact, i like it. I just don't like singers like Kalmah's. If you ever listen to Cloned Insanty by Kalmah, and a whole bunch of other Kalmah songs that i can't list off the top of my head right now, you'll see that his singer sounds exactly like i described in my original post: like gollum from lord of the rings vomiting. I don't like that. I like it when they scream--not when they gargle.

So thanks a bunch, guys. I've already bought a shitload of music, and hopefully there will be more to come. I've got like, hundreds of dollars of accumulative itunes gift cards, so i've decided to shake things up a bit on my ipod and buy a lot of new songs. thanks so far guys, and keep 'em coming!!!