Bands you feel are overrated


Cursed Be "Iron"-ing. Oho
Sep 16, 2007
There's one end of the spectrum, so you need the other.


Dir en grey and Machine Head.

(takes cover from the flack that'll come from the machine head comment)
Woods Of Ypres are just garbage. Has anyone seen that pathetic video "The Northern Cold" on YouTube? How can anyone who has even limited musical knowledge, enjoy this complete shit? David Gold has said, he wants to release the "Metal album of 2007" one reason why it's taking so long to be released, I guess. On the video, they can't sing whether attempting clean or death vocals. The keyboard player Jessica Rose is average at best. Fucking no originality. Nothing groundbreaking, for an album that's being tweaked for supposed perfection. There are a bunch of young kids down the street where I live, who play in their garage that sound better than Woods f Ypres. Bands like this disgust me. And people seem to really like them. There is NO accounting for taste. Hey, that's just me.
There are tons of bands over-rated by metal fandom in general, so I'll just list the bands I feel are overly hyped by this board.

At the Gates

and many others I can't think of at the moment.
I totally second

Woods of Ypres
and Behemoth

I would say Skinless too but I didn't think they were that highly regarded to begin with?
I forgot

Six Feet Under(how does this band sell albums)