Bang Your Head Festival, Balingen


Unregistered mole

It was great, but too short!

Fucking thunderstorm the night before! The bands had to start later than it was planned because the stage was damaged, so the bands had to shorten their sets. Nevermore could only play 4 songs (Enemies, River Dragon, Heart Collector, Sound of Silence), no song of the new album, unfortunately.

Nevertheless, it was brilliant, guys!
But Warrel, you didn't look so good, I hope you'll be better next time. I think it must be disappointing when you can only play 4 songs.

I'm so glad that you guys come back to Europe in September. I'll come to see you!

Greetings from Germany

Happy Birthday, Zombie!
Unregistered mole said:
It was great, but too short!

Fucking thunderstorm the night before! The bands had to start later than it was planned because the stage was damaged, so the bands had to shorten their sets. Nevermore could only play 4 songs (Enemies, River Dragon, Heart Collector, Sound of Silence), no song of the new album, unfortunately.

Nevertheless, it was brilliant, guys!
But Warrel, you didn't look so good, I hope you'll be better next time. I think it must be disappointing when you can only play 4 songs.

I'm so glad that you guys come back to Europe in September. I'll come to see you!

Greetings from Germany

Happy Birthday, Zombie!

Well its just sad that anyone thinks I looked better as a bloated alcoholic, I am the healthiest I`ve ever been since my early 20`s. Sure I lost weight, but this is from giving up alcohol. I used to carry a keg of vodka around my neck and my belly, perhaps I should just kill myself with alcohol and then I´ll look really fantastic!!! (and dead)
Thats funny-teaser!!..WD, he is concerned with your loss of muscle mass, can see that as you have a small frame. As long as the toxins are gone...its mind over matter remember...
Take care mate, the newie is 10/10, I am impressed.
Sentient 6 said:
Well its just sad that anyone thinks I looked better as a bloated alcoholic, I am the healthiest I`ve ever been since my early 20`s. Sure I lost weight, but this is from giving up alcohol. I used to carry a keg of vodka around my neck and my belly, perhaps I should just kill myself with alcohol and then I´ll look really fantastic!!! (and dead)


I think you look really really good now.
rebirth said:
Thats funny-teaser!!..WD, he is concerned with your loss of muscle mass, can see that as you have a small frame. As long as the toxins are gone...its mind over matter remember...
Take care mate, the newie is 10/10, I am impressed.

ummm I never had muscle mass to begin with, but maybe nobody noticed because I was covered with fat..haha..I actually have more muscle mass now because I work out now, but it's a slow process to put body weight back on with muscle, especially because my metabolism shifted drastically when I quit drinking, you would not believe how much food I can eat (carbs included) and gain weight so slowly, the doc says about 6 more months and I´ll be at my goal body weight.....
Don't listen to the jackass up there. From what I've read, theyre the only person to say something like that. Everyone else here thinks that you look ALOT healthier than you did before, which is very true. We're all glad that you're on a good track now, and we can't wait until you are 100% satisfied with your progress (I assume in 6 months when you get to the goal weight). Best of luck, and see you in Atlantic City and possibly Holmdel.

btw, Deadwing fucking rules. I had to miss their show in Philly, sadly. Didn't have a ride. But, I did see Blackfield acoustic in a bar, which was great.
I saw this on the Rock Hard website:

And WD, you shouldn't be so sensitive about the reactions to your transformation. Most people haven't seen you since you were a bloated alchy, so your new found health seems like a major transformation. Keep in mind, you were a bloated alchy for the better part of the last ten years. You look great, it's just such a shocking difference to what people are used to seeing you as. In two years no one is gonna remember that other WD.

:headbang: Keep up the good work.

P.S. Even though you have a little more muscle now, I think i can still kick yer arse.
Sentient 6 said:
Well its just sad that anyone thinks I looked better as a bloated alcoholic, I am the healthiest I`ve ever been since my early 20`s. Sure I lost weight, but this is from giving up alcohol. I used to carry a keg of vodka around my neck and my belly, perhaps I should just kill myself with alcohol and then I´ll look really fantastic!!! (and dead)

Heh, it's probably that tan you got in Cabo. :tickled:
Sorry Warrel. I didn't mean it the way it came across. I only wanted to express my worries

about your health because you looked so skinny and i didn't know what was going on because

i hadn't seen any recent pics - and I failed language-wise...Sorry about that.

The performence was really great!

btw, my friend nearly freaked out because I brought her the poster with your birthday

regards and the authograph. Thank you very much. I never made such a good Birthday present

Lillitu said:
Heh, it's probably that tan you got in Cabo. :tickled:
did you see on the news the drunk woman that drove down my street in a motorhome going 60 mph and almost drove it through my apartment? She barely missed it, luckily she didnt hit my car(missed by 1 fucking inch) and almost killed the little kids that play at the end of the street. She was wasted drunk and probably is going to die in the hospital, lost most of her blood. The neighbors thought it was a terrorist attack or something...Jim was so freaked out, I´m still in shock, I just found out 2 minutes ago. It was yesterday around 4pm...
deadskin yor just sucking up wd's ass licking so you can get in free to the NJ gig.
It takes strength to make such choices and a strong will to choose for being healthy. Great job, WD.

I wish i could've seen you guys at Graspop - i would have said hi! ;) -
but i had to repair my house...
(new fundaments and floor..that old 'poop' -damn it was rotten!- needed to be replaced). House is over 60 years old.