BARE interpretation for homework


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Just to let you know about this. Being a part-time English teacher here in this ass of the world, today I gave my students "Bare" lyric sheet so they are supposed to write an interpretation as their homework for tomorrow. I know half of them would just skip it, because they know I am a mild softmarker, but still I am curious.
Originally posted by johnnieCzech
Just to let you know about this. Being a part-time English teacher here in this ass of the world, today I gave my students "Bare" lyric sheet so they are supposed to write an interpretation as their homework for tomorrow. I know half of them would just skip it, because they know I am a mild softmarker, but still I am curious.

Sounds like a fun homework project to me!

I was just listening to Bare about an hour ago!

Did you play the song for the kids?
Cool assignment, Johnnie.

My wife teaches Grade 12 English, and when she teaches the poetry unit, she does one part where she teaches about "mood", and plays a number of classical pieces that are supposed to illicit various emotions (happiness, sadness, etc.). Then she shows my influence by playing the beginning of the remixed version of Potters Field for "anger". Unfortunately, none of her students have ever recognized it, but some of them have asked more about the band...spread the disease!

I had a cool English teacher in Grade 8...when we did the poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" in poetry, he played the Iron Maiden version for us in class. That was one of the best classes I had.

Keep up the good work, Johnnie!
In my senior year in high school I took a communications class. Basically it amounted to people sitting in a circle and talking, lol. We had to play a song that we thought sent some sort of message and explain it to the class. I chose "Schism." The class about shit their pants, seeing this quiet, shy, dorky guy playing Anthrax! It was great!!!!!!

Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
I was just listening to Bare about an hour ago!

Did you play the song for the kids?

Of course I did. Three times. First, they had to get the missing words. Actually the next day (Friday) I checked the homework and only one girl did it. Anyway it was pretty good interpretation but I told the rest of the class that they MUST do it till Monday. Otherwise I´m gonna be very angry bastard! :)
My 8th grade year I took speech class and we had to do some speech about umm...I forgot. But I chose censorship and played Startin' Up A Posse in the class. The teacher was cool. He let me play it and I even read the lyrics to the class. It was sweet.
Sophomore year in high school we had to analyze a poem and the teacher let us choose a song if we wanted to. I chose "I Ain't Supersticious" by Megadeth.
Whenever I could incorporate Megadeth or Anthrax, I did.
I did a mood thing at Teachers' College with a bunch of other teachers. They had to chose the colour which best suited the piece of music and then put down on paper what they felt (all horrible and touchy-feelie I know, but it was compulsory!). First was about five minutes of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, or something equally relaxing and "nice". They drew pictures of flowers and clouds and shit in pastels and pinks and light blues and yellows.

Then came the fun part! I put on "Walking Corpse" by Brutal Truth. They ALL picked up black crayons, and most of them scribbled furiously for the whole minute and a half of the song, just filling the page with black scribbles and sharp looking shapes. After the class, one of the girls told me it was the scariest thing she'd ever heard!
Originally posted by one man stands
It would be cool to see some of the interpretation's. If you get the chance, or are able to, you should post some of them.

Well it´s no problem. This is the only one I´ve got so far. It´s from a girl named Adela:

"This song is about death. About death of the person you loved. You´re trying to understand why it must have happened, you´re trying to find some sense in something as definitive as death. You know all the reasonable facts like "the world is going on", you know that the world and everything in it is unfair, but you´re still waiting for some explanation.
All you have to do now is to get used to being alone even if you will always miss your second part.
"All you can do is to get up every morning" because however it´s cruel you´re still alive so you must live instead of resting in peace with your love."

See, that´s my student. Pretty cool, isn´t it. Don´t you think she should be given a good mark?
She gets an "A".

Most kids will amaze you with their intellect if you can actually get them engaged in something that interests them.

I used to teach a SAT prep course for high school students. It was primarily rich kids who took the course because their parents could afford the money and were concerned about which college their kids got in to. Most of the kids could give a shit about being there and basically wasted their parent's money. However, the brightest kid who actually improved his SAT score by over 400 points and ended up with a 1350 wore either an Among the Living, SOD or Cannibal Corpse shirt to class every time. Needless to say I gave him extra attention because he obviously was intelligent in his choice of music. It was pretty cool to be swapping CD's with a kid who is almost half my age. METAL LIVES.....METAL LIVES!!!!
Bluegrass on a metal board, YES! the times are changing, I never thought I would see the day, I was in a bluegrass band for 3 years before I formed my current metal band, I love bluegrass, it is another genre full of talent that gets overlooked and most people don't even know what it is. You Fucking Made My Day!
AJ.....I just know good music. Actually I like music that has tremendous musicians in it. I don't know alot of Bluegrass, but Union Station has some great players. The guitar and banjo player's speed and talent rival that of any, I repeat ANY, metal guitarist. Besides.....while John Bush's screams sound straight outta hell (which I love), Allison Krauss' voice sounds like an angel's.
You ever listen to Tony Rice? Incredible Guitarist, also Flatt&Scruggs are amazing! You see some of the best musicians you have never heard of when you see a bluegrass show, these guys make NO money off of it, it is all about MUSIC, maybe the only genre of music that is still like that.
Originally posted by Armored Thrax

I used to teach a SAT prep course for high school students. It was primarily rich kids who took the course because their parents could afford the money and were concerned about which college their kids got in to. Most of the kids could give a shit about being there and basically wasted their parent's money. However, the brightest kid who actually improved his SAT score by over 400 points and ended up with a 1350 wore either an Among the Living, SOD or Cannibal Corpse shirt to class every time. Needless to say I gave him extra attention because he obviously was intelligent in his choice of music. It was pretty cool to be swapping CD's with a kid who is almost half my age. METAL LIVES.....METAL LIVES!!!! [/B]

I have one metal kid in the class (she´s singer for some helloweenlike band with female vocals) but at least the rest seemed to enjoy listening to "Bare", well, who wouldn´t?
If you guys dig bluegrass try to find a "Run C&W" CD, they do motown songs bluegrass style & they can play their asses off.