Barstool Philosphers


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Warm & moooooody melodic prog with a vocalist that nails the Tate/Nils vibe in tone.

Favorite cut is "Eyes Show the Heart."

Preview of the entire album:

I wan't digging the vocals at first;
but his voice kinda grew on me after a minute or so. weird, it usually takes weeks for that sort of thing to happen. Maybe it's the strength of the music. I don't know, it's good stuff either way.
Excellent, laid back melodic mood as Glenn stated ..... I wish the singer wouldn't try so hard to sound like Geoff Tate, but thats not a bad thing now is it ? ;)

For a band that did this themselves ( am I right Ken ? ) this is pretty damn good stuff ...... I dare say that if QR put this out over the last few years, I don't think anyone would complain.

The name is obviously on the -- um -- strange side, but don't let that fool you... this is quality stuff......