Bass, guitars, getting in touch with music again *bla bla fucking bla*


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
Neck pickup, whammy bar, sweep-picking....all those axe terms I come across here on UM have made me curious, and interested in guitars and music/instruments in general!
Well, I've been playing bass for a short time now, and I enjoy it . I must say it feels damn great to be in touch with music again -considering I hadn't played any instrument in ages! I'm a creative person (I always loved to draw and paint, for example) and when I got more and more into rock and metal (or generally speaking: music that's composed by the artists themselves and played with real instruments...u know what I mean!), I got the feeling that something was really missing to me. The relationship to another form of ART...namely music. Well, I used to play keys as a kid and also SOME acoustic guitar in my early teens -but that was loooong ago, and I soon got really depressed and pissed-off because I had no more clue about instruments, theory, etc . (I always ask lots of questions about theory and stuff during the lessons ;) )
Well as I said, it feels really good to be in touch with music again! I like to play bass, and as soon as I'm familiar enough with bass to start playing another instrument, I think I'll pick up -you guessed it- an AXE!!!

I just had to get that out ;)
*ramble over*
You're on crack, RockBodom ;)
I mentioned bass playing.
And I mentioned GUITAR terms.
And rambled on about how all that music stuff is new to me.
I wrote that I play bass, but also find guitars really interesting and will maybe pick up an axe one day.
I didn't mention sweeping on bass or whatever.
Oh well, maybe *I* was "on crack" last night when I started this thread, so I couldn't explain well wait, it wasn't crack, it was vodka;) and you write crap when you're FRRYNK on a messageboard ;)
rock on! there is nothing more satisfying than indulging yourself in music. And the pleasure you get after listening to any kind of music that too played by yourself is just amazing! pick up the fuckin axe and enjoy!!! :)