Bass Mixing "Tricks"? D:


Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
Do you have any Tip or trick for bass mixing in particular?

I've heard that some guys will duplicate the original bass track, and cut everything over 400Hz, so it gives that boomy feel. Others will send that signal to a really fat Verb and Blend. Some Others Bus that channel to a heavy limiter and Blend.

Sometimes these advices will work for me, but some other times they won't.

What are your bass processing methods? :headbang:
no reverb on bass unless it's a very special situation.

i'll usually get two tracks going, one clean or slightly crunchy with a fat scoopish sound for the main fatness (mostly reamped through hartke bass attack or sansamp bddi/psa1 or something), and another one run through podfarm and distorted with HP around 2-400hz and LP around 2-8k depending on the sound....this track is used to dirty up the bass a little bit and make it gel better with the gtrs.

other than that, multiple stages of compression, i like la2a style comps on bass.

on the bass group, HP around 40-80hz depending on the mix, a narrow cut where the kick has it's peak lowend (usually around 70-90hz), maybe some more compression....adding around 800hz can make the sound more woody, adding around 2-4k makes the notes more intelligible (sp).

the main thing is to get the low end consistent level-wise, and balance it with the kick and low mids/high bass of the guitars so everything slots in nicely. it's actually pretty straighforward once you get the hang of it.
Sometimes I'll split up onto multiple tracks and band-pass each to separate it into Sub/Low, Mid and High channels. then process each individually. maybe slam the shit out of the lows with a compressor while giving plenty of over-drive and saturation to the mids and highs, then buss all 3 back together and run through something like the T-Racks Opto Compressor to glue it together again.

aside from that its just the usual story of finding its place in the mix.
before I would use some side-chain compression being triggered by the kick but honestly I feel that you're better served by just getting the tone right in the first place rather than relying on that "ducking" effect.
Side chaining, i used to think that SChain modes, were mostly suitable for slower and paced tempo songs.
I personally haven't tried it in heavier styles of music!

thanks for sharing, i'm sure this will help a lot.
i'll usually get two tracks going, one clean or slightly crunchy with a fat scoopish sound for the main fatness and another one run through podfarm and distorted with HP around 2-400hz and LP around 2-8k
other than that, multiple stages of compression, i like la2a style comps on bass.
On the bass group, HP around 40-80hz depending on the mix, a narrow cut where the kick has it's peak lowend (usually around 70-90hz)

Worked like a charm!
do a quick search dude, or just head to the sticky with the list of tutorials, there's a fucking gold mine of bass mixing material in this forum.

I used to get annoyed when threads like this one seemed to appear every 2 weeks, but it's been a while since a "How do mix bass" thread appeared so it's all cool, but please go to the stickies and do a search first, there's priceless material you'll find totally lifesaving
Usually just the one track, eq and various comps to tame it all. Usually notch around the kick quite deep. Pull out low mids and any other honks getting my goat. Somtimes if te playing or bass wasn't there, or if it's needed, I'll add some 3-5k to get some click but just a little. Then I'll duplicate the take and run it through sansamp adding heaps of fuzz. Hi pass at like 3-500 and then blend back into the original tone. You'll need more than you think when you're listening soloed. Rbass and maxxbass are your friend. Multiband compression can help seat it better too ime.
One bass track lowpass @ 200hz, then a limiter with short attack/release, then a limiter with a long attack/release, then another lowpass @ 200hz. Solid, unmoving lowend.
2nd bass track with whatever the fuck you want on it, then a highpass at 100-200hz at the end of it.
Possible 3rd bass track kinda dry and highpassed quite high if you want a tiny bit of click poking through.

All sent to a bus with more effects.. compressors, limiters, EQs, saturation, de-esser (can help when the bass plays highs note, so it doesn't go all piercing), etc. I use so many effects on my bass sounds :D
Distortion. Not too much, just a bit of extra fizz to help it cut through the mix. pretty heavy comp or limiting to keep it level. Side chaining to the kick if you need to, but im not keen, and can be problematic with fast double kick.

Guys, after all this tips and a lot more in this forum. With all that tracks.
I always think, how to get that good sound playing live ?

Damn guys, i never do things like this with my bass tracks. Deffo gonna try some out though. Especially morgan c's idea
do a quick search dude, or just head to the sticky with the list of tutorials, there's a fucking gold mine of bass mixing material in this forum.

I used to get annoyed when threads like this one seemed to appear every 2 weeks, but it's been a while since a "How do mix bass" thread appeared so it's all cool, but please go to the stickies and do a search first, there's priceless material you'll find totally lifesaving

Where is the sticky with the bass mixing tutorial?

I´ve only found the following in this section:

Sticky: Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

Sticky: Drum Samples, Replacement, Triggers FAQ

Sticky: Impulse FAQ

Sticky: That "Clayman" sound....

Sticky: Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

Sticky: Ermz' Production Tips Compendium (for the newer guys)


Sticky: Tube Screamer FAQ Version 1

Sticky: Sidechaining FAQ