Bass pickups popping when using a pick?

Jul 7, 2009
Hey guys,

I have a Squire J Bass with Seymour Duncan single coils in the neck and bridge positions, but when I record it DI, no matter the level I record at (even when padding the signal, even though it's not clipping), it makes pop and click noises when using a pick. Anyone know what this may be from?


This could be a few things:

String hitting the polepieces on the pickup?
String hitting the frets?
String being too thin for the tuning you're in so it's flapping about like a rubber band?
It's more than likely technique, I have Squire J bass too and it tends to happen to me when playing fingerstyle, with a pick it's no problem. Sometimes you can get away with taking the pops out if they're really short
Well it's not a technique issue, it doesn't matter where I play it, and I'm not sure if the strings are hitting the pole pieces but how would I fix that if so? The pickups are mounted directly to the body so there isn't a way to adjust the height IIRC.
I've been having this same problem lateley. First started noticing it when I tuned to drop B. It may be a string tension issue. I messed with the tone/volume knobs and got it to go away at the expense of a darker bass tone. I think a set of new/larger strings would solve the problem. Could also be due to picking too close to the pickup.
I have this, too. In my case, it seems to be more of a problem with basses that have single coil jazz pickups. Rolling off some highs with the tone knob helps. So does adjusting the pickups further away from the string, or reducing the volume slightly on the bass.

Another thing that helps in my case is running through a Tube Screamer or Rat distortion. It seems to smooth the pick attack a bit so I don't get those occasional pops.
Take the bass to a well known guitar service dude.
The bass will sound way better with new strings & a proper service
Intonation, neck curvature, action & pickup height(s) will be adjusted according to the tuning needed e.g. Drop B or Standard E