Bass Players!!!

Bass Fellow

Feb 7, 2002
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Need some helpful advice. Gonna get me a new bass. Went to a local store and they've got an ARIA 4-string, 24 fret w. 35in. neck which I would prefer only b/c I'm used a 4-string. also, has a thin neck which I prefer for my hands. (haven't played in a while, however, I can play). $250 Also, A 5-string, 24-fret Schencer Omen with 36in. neck. Mplewood(heavy) but he's really trying to sell me on it saying I would get used to it in no time and 'everyone one's using them." $495 w. case. Shop more? Loook on the net? If so where? If something stands out please give me a post. Thanx!
ok, fenders are ok i guess probably the most played bass if you really cruched the numbers. i own 2 jacksons. 1 is an old dinky body 4 string w/ 18v emg active pickups in it. the other is a cb5a (concert bass 5 string active) w/ 9v duncans. i also own my pride and joy, a gibson lespaul 4 string bass w/ passive thunderbass pickups in it. i payed big bucks for it, but it kicks ass. my next fav. is the dinky. a buddy of mine raved about the fenders, and every gig we did together, he'd have to borrow my jackson 'cuz the fender let him down.
but the thing with jackson now is that they are part of the fender musical group. couldn't tell you if the quality has fallen off or not. both my jacksons are a few years old.
i got the dinky used for $100. it was my first bass, and it kicks ass. i had a hard time getting used to the 5 string. at first, i overplayed the low b string. then it just became a thumb rest. in my current band, we drop tune to open 'd' as oppossed to open 'e'. therefore my tuning is dgcf. but i still screw around with the 5 from time to time.
if i was you, i'd check the local want advertiser mag, and see if you can find a good deal. shop the web, there's musicians fiend, ams, and a shitload of others and there prices will be within $10 of one another.
Thanks lsp666 and TD I love The Punisher. I found a 4-string, thin-neck(top) Ibanez SRX-500 that should be just fine. Can't give anymore exact specs yet on pick-ups(modified humbuckler) or wood type(not ash but not bass wood). Picking it up Mon. Sounded and felt unconventionally well and cut me deal from $629 to 440. Heritage sunburst color will be different for me b/c my previous Fender and my Yamaha were black. There is more than one way to skin a cat, so they say.