Bass Tips Anyone?


Lazy Bastard
Jan 14, 2006
Gold Coast, Australia
Okay, so yes I'm new to the bass so I can't expect to be great straight away. But I was wondering if anyone out there has any tips that really helped them along when they were starting out...

I love my metal, and instead of learning the stuff my mates do (like the White Stripes and Greenday) I've jumped in headfirst into Children of Bodom (which I can sorta play, although nowhere near the speed that they do), Cradle Of Filth, DevilDriver, the heavier System Of A Down, Mudvayne and I've even had a crack at The Funeral Portrait (Opeth). Basically I wanna push the learning curve to the limit so I end up better when it comes to playing the music that I love. Keeping that in mind, what tricks are there to becoming an awesome metal bassist? Are there any shortcuts or is it just keeping the nose to the grindstone?

Cheers heaps (and I apologise for the rambling, I was out partying all night last night).
yo, when i first started, the easiest way for me that got me cathcin on quick, was guitar pro man it really helps alot, i think guitar pro 5 is out but u can get version 4 easy on the net. u can download GP4's from mysongbook, (type mysongbook in google) its like searching for a tab, but when u download it and open it wuit Guitar Pro 4, it plays the song to u and follows along the tab so u know where ur at in the song, u can speed it up, then when u get good wit the program, u and ur band can write ur songs, guitars, keyboards, drums, u name it.
harryhash said:
Okay, so yes I'm new to the bass so I can't expect to be great straight away. But I was wondering if anyone out there has any tips that really helped them along when they were starting out...

I love my metal, and instead of learning the stuff my mates do (like the White Stripes and Greenday) I've jumped in headfirst into Children of Bodom (which I can sorta play, although nowhere near the speed that they do), Cradle Of Filth, DevilDriver, the heavier System Of A Down, Mudvayne and I've even had a crack at The Funeral Portrait (Opeth). Basically I wanna push the learning curve to the limit so I end up better when it comes to playing the music that I love. Keeping that in mind, what tricks are there to becoming an awesome metal bassist? Are there any shortcuts or is it just keeping the nose to the grindstone?

Cheers heaps (and I apologise for the rambling, I was out partying all night last night).

chromatic exercises. you know. 1-2-3-4 all the way up and back down on each string. try to play with your fingers. but a pick is ok.... but fingers can be used to play more technically and efficiently
learn with a pick and your fingers; youll need both, and play to some zeppelin classics. Dont just play Metal either, learn jazz slap and classical bass.
Go to victor wootens website too. He's like the best jazz basist Ive ever seen.